Saturday, January 20, 2024

Did God choose/make/allow the Biden presidency?

The Workingman has been quite busy--and still is--and has not posted anything on this blog for a year.

But something in the news provoked a sit-down at the computer to share a thought or two, although nobody reads this blog because the writer--me--so rarely posts. Given the nature of 2024, so far, that might be different this year.

What provoked The Workingman was the statement by Speaker of the House that the Biden presidency is God's will. That statement has resulted in some outbursts, and you can read about that here: Is Joe's presidency God's will? 

So, what does The Workingman think? Like The Speaker, The Workingman is a Southern Baptist, who has been going to a Southern Baptist church since the Cradle Roll. The Workingman was saved and baptized in a Southern Baptist church. The Workingman is not real pleased with the way the Southern Baptist Convention is headed, but he is very pleased with the teaching and preaching in his home church, a rural church in the Missouri Ozarks.

Now The Workingman is no theologian, but if you read the above link carefully and think about what The Speaker says, you might agree with The Workingman's position, which is this: I agree with The Speaker when he says that God placed Biden in the presidency, because God is sovereign. To which, The Workingman would add: I believe God is using the Biden presidency as a communication to us that we better turn as a nation and follow His Word, both the written word, The Bible, and the Incarnate Word, Jesus, who is Prophet, Priest, King, Redeemer, Lord.

In other words, the Biden presidency is a judgment of God Almighty on us to teach us to follow Him completely. Whether that judgment becomes harsher depends on what we do; we either turn (to Him) or learn (from His more stringent judgments on us which are necessary to make us pay attention).

God is sovereign, God is good, God is love. He spoke to us most clearly through Jesus, who is God Himself in the flesh. The Workingman encourages you to get a Bible and read it. Start with the New Testament to learn about Jesus. Then go back to Genesis and learn about why Jesus did what He did for us.

We can--but won't--argue about whether the Biden presidency is God's judgment of the nation. There is no argument, though, that after death there is judgment by God of individuals. How will He judge you?